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  • Studio Paci

"Home Save Decree" 2024: A New Chapter for Italian Construction🏠

The 2024 "Home Save Decree" (Decreto Salva Casa) represents a significant turning point in the Italian building landscape, introducing a series of measures aimed at simplifying and regularizing minor building discrepancies.

This article delves into the main points of the decree, its implications, and the opportunities it offers for property owners.

Introduction to the Home Save Decree 📝

The Home Save Decree, officially approved by the Council of Ministers on May 24, 2024, was published in the Official Gazette on May 29, 2024.

The decree aims to address issues related to minor building irregularities that often prevent the regularization and sale of properties.

The primary objective is to promote the recovery of apartments whose sale is blocked by certain regulations, to facilitate the real estate market and meet the ever-growing housing demand.

Main Innovations of the Decree 🏢

Simplification of Building Amnesties 🛠️

The decree introduces the possibility of regularizing minor building discrepancies through a simplified procedure.

This includes minor internal discrepancies, such as unauthorized changes to room dimensions or plumbing systems.

The amnesty is particularly useful for making properties sellable that would otherwise be blocked by these irregularities.

To obtain the amnesty, a penalty equal to twice the increase in the market value of the property resulting from the interventions must be paid, ranging from €1,032 to €30,984.

Construction Tolerances 📏

One of the most significant innovations concerns construction tolerances.

The decree provides for different tolerance percentages depending on the surface area of the property:

  • 2% for surfaces over 500 square meters

  • 3% for surfaces between 300 and 500 square meters

  • 4% for surfaces between 100 and 300 square meters

  • 5% for surfaces under 100 square meters

These tolerances apply to interventions carried out by May 24, 2024, and concern parameters such as height, setbacks, volume, and covered area.

They will not be subject to landscape authorization.

Free Building and Movable Structures 🏡

The decree expands the categories of interventions considered free building, i.e., works that do not require specific authorizations.

This includes the installation of awnings, pergolas, and porches, provided they do not create enclosed spaces and respect the aesthetics of the building.

In particular, removable panoramic glass windows (VEPA) are expressly included among the free building interventions, even for porches within the building.

Changes in Use Destination 🔄

Another important aspect is the simplification of changing the use destination.

It is now possible to change the use destination of a property unit without structural works, provided that the new destination complies with current regulations and falls within the same functional category.

The decree addresses the principle of functional indifference between homogeneous use destinations as identified by state or regional law.

Implications for Property Owners 🔑

The Home Save Decree offers numerous advantages for property owners, facilitating the regularization of minor discrepancies that often impede the sale or renovation of buildings.

Additionally, the reduction of bureaucracy associated with building practices will streamline administrative processes, easing the workload of municipal technical offices.

The decree potentially impacts over 50% of the Italian property stock and will allow the amnesty of many internal transformation interventions carried out without a title, such as window adjustments, relocated partitions, openings not compliant with building permits, verandas, lofts, added and undocumented structural parts, and architectural details.

Penalties and Funds for Urban Regeneration 💶

The decree also provides for penalties proportional to the increase in the property's value resulting from the regularization of discrepancies.

These penalties will be used to fund urban recovery and regeneration projects, thus contributing to the redevelopment of existing building stock.

Conclusions 📊

The 2024 Home Save Decree represents a significant step towards greater simplification and regularization of minor building irregularities in Italy. With targeted measures ranging from construction tolerances to free building, the decree aims to make life easier for property owners and promote urban redevelopment.



What is the 2024 Home Save Decree? 🏠

The 2024 Home Save Decree is an innovative regulation aimed at simplifying and regularizing minor building discrepancies in Italy.

This law facilitates the sale and renovation of properties, removing bureaucratic obstacles and making the process easier for homeowners.

What are the main innovations of the Home Save Decree? 🏢

The main innovations of the 2024 Home Save Decree include the simplification of building amnesties, construction tolerances, free building for certain works, and the simplification of changing the use destination.

These measures make it easier for property owners to comply with current regulations.

How does the simplified building amnesty work? 🛠️

The simplified building amnesty allows for the regularization of minor building discrepancies by paying a penalty ranging from €1,032 to €30,984.

This process aims to make properties with minor irregularities sellable, thus facilitating the real estate market.

What are construction tolerances? 📏

Construction tolerances are tolerance percentages (from 2% to 5%) applied to building interventions, varying based on the property's surface area. These tolerances do not require landscape authorizations and facilitate the regularization of minor modifications.

Which interventions fall under free building? 🏡

Free building includes interventions such as the installation of awnings, pergolas, porches, and removable panoramic glass windows (VEPA).

These works do not require specific authorizations, provided they do not create enclosed spaces and respect the building's aesthetics.

Is it possible to change the use destination without structural works? 🔄

Yes, the 2024 Home Save Decree allows changing the use destination of a property unit without structural works, provided the new destination falls within the same functional category and complies with current regulations.

What are the benefits for property owners? 🔑

The benefits for property owners include the regularization of minor discrepancies, facilitation of property sale and renovation, and reduction of bureaucracy. This makes the administrative process more streamlined and less burdensome.

How are the penalties from regularization used? 💶

Penalties from building regularization are used to fund urban recovery and regeneration projects. This contributes to the redevelopment of existing building stock, improving the quality of urban areas.

What are the construction tolerance percentages provided by the Home Save Decree? 📊

The construction tolerance percentages are as follows:

  • 2% for surfaces over 500 square meters

  • 3% for surfaces between 300 and 500 square meters

  • 4% for surfaces between 100 and 300 square meters

  • 5% for surfaces under 100 square meters

What does the Home Save Decree provide for the future of Italian construction? 🌍

The 2024 Home Save Decree aims for a more regulated and simplified future for Italian construction.

It promotes safety and the enhancement of the property stock, facilitating the regularization of building irregularities and improving the real estate market.

What are minor building irregularities that can be regularized with the Home Save Decree?

Minor building irregularities that can be regularized include internal discrepancies such as unauthorized changes to room dimensions or plumbing systems that prevent the regularization and sale of properties.

How much does it cost to regularize building irregularities with the Home Save Decree?

To regularize building irregularities, a penalty equal to twice the increase in the property's market value resulting from the interventions must be paid, ranging from €1,032 to €30,984.

Which interventions fall under free building according to the Home Save Decree?

The 2024 Home Save Decree expands the categories of interventions considered free building, including the installation of awnings, pergolas, porches, and removable panoramic glass windows (VEPA) that do not require specific authorizations.

How does the use destination change with the Home Save Decree?

It is now possible to change the use destination of a property unit without structural works, provided the new destination falls within the same functional category and complies with current regulations.

What benefits does the Home Save Decree offer to property owners?

The 2024 Home Save Decree facilitates the regularization of minor discrepancies, simplifies the sale and renovation of buildings, and reduces the bureaucracy associated with building practices, making the process more efficient.

How many properties will benefit from the Home Save Decree measures?

The decree potentially impacts over 50% of the Italian property stock and will allow the amnesty of many internal transformation interventions carried out without a title.

How will the penalties provided by the Home Save Decree be used?

The penalties, proportional to the increase in the property's value resulting from the regularization of discrepancies, will be used to fund urban recovery and regeneration projects.

What is the main objective of the Home Save Decree?

The main objective of the decree is to promote the recovery of apartments blocked by restrictive regulations, facilitating the real estate market and meeting housing demand.

When did the Home Save Decree come into effect?

The 2024 Home Save Decree was approved by the Council of Ministers on May 24, 2024, published in the Official Gazette on May 29, 2024, and came into effect the following day.

What works fall under the construction tolerances provided by the Home Save Decree?

Construction tolerances include parameters such as height, setbacks, volume, and covered area, applied to interventions carried out by May 24, 2024.

How can I request the building amnesty for my property?

To request the building amnesty, you need to submit an application to the technical office of your municipality, attaching documentation that proves the irregularities and the payment of the penalty.

What documents are needed for building regularization?

The necessary documents include the building project, any previous permits, a technical report prepared by a qualified professional, and proof of payment of the required penalty.

Are tax benefits available with the Home Save Decree?

Some tax benefits may be available for building recovery and energy improvement interventions.

How does the Home Save Decree affect property transactions?

The decree facilitates property transactions by simplifying the regularization of building discrepancies that often block sales.

What happens if I don't regularize building discrepancies within the stipulated timeframe?

Failure to regularize may result in additional penalties and the inability to sell or renovate the property according to current regulations.

What are the expected times for obtaining the building amnesty?

The time to obtain the amnesty can vary depending on the municipality and the complexity of the discrepancies to be regularized, but generally ranges from a few weeks to a few months.

How can I check if my property has regularizable discrepancies?

It is advisable to consult a qualified professional who can conduct an inspection and verify the presence of discrepancies that can be regularized under the new decree provisions.

Does the Home Save Decree apply to commercial properties as well?

Yes, the decree applies to both residential and commercial properties, provided the discrepancies fall within the defined parameters.

What are the penalties for non-compliance with the new building regulations?

Penalties for non-compliance may include fines proportional to the increase in the property's value and obligations to regularize discrepancies.

How does the Home Save Decree contribute to the enhancement of the property stock?

The decree contributes to the enhancement of the property stock by facilitating the regularization of building discrepancies, thus improving the marketability and value of properties.

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