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  • Studio Paci

Certificazione Unica Model 2024 - News and Deadlines

🌟 Introduction to the 2024 Unique Certification

The Italian Revenue Agency has recently made available the draft of the 2024 Certificazione Unica Model (CU).

This essential document, used for income tax declarations, represents a crucial tool for withholding agents, who are responsible for certifying income on behalf of workers.

The 2024 Model comes with several new features and significant updates that affect both employed and self-employed workers, as well as various income categories, including different income sources such as short-term rentals.

The submission of the CU is a mandatory step for many, and it is essential to plan the management of this obligation well in advance, especially in light of the new regulations and deadlines that 2024 brings with it.

📅 Important Deadlines

Regarding deadlines, it is important to emphasize that the main date to consider is March 16, 2024, the ultimate deadline for the submission of the CU.

This deadline mainly concerns most income from work and similar sources. However, there is another significant date, October 31, 2024, by which certifications related exclusively to exempt or non-declarable income through pre-filled income tax declarations must be submitted.

Furthermore, concerning the 730/2024 Model, there are various deadlines that vary depending on the period in which the declaration is submitted, with dates ranging from June to September 2024.

These deadlines are crucial for withholding agents, as failure to submit or late submission may result in penalties or complications in tax management.

It is, therefore, essential to mark these dates on the calendar and prepare adequately to meet all the deadlines set by the Italian Revenue Agency.

🔍 Significant Changes in the 2024 CU Model

There are multiple and significant changes in the 2024 Model that deserve attention.

Among these, the facilitated taxation of tips stands out as a novelty aimed at encouraging and better regulating this aspect in the tourism sector, an area where tips represent a significant portion of earnings.

Another point of great interest is the reorganization of sports work, both amateur and professional, which involves a reconsideration of tax management methods in this sector, reflecting the developments and specificities of the sports world.

In addition, there is an increase in the limit for fringe benefits provided to employed workers with dependent children, raising it to 3,000 euros.

Other innovations include the indication of special supplementary treatment for the tourism, hospitality, and thermal sector, as well as the reassessment of the IRPEF reduction for the security and defense sector.

📑 Compilation Details

The compilation requires attention and precision, as the document is divided into several sections, each with specific information to be included.

The Cover Page is the first section, where information about the type of communication, data of the withholding agent, and details about the signatory representative of the communication are required.

Next is the CT Table, dedicated to information on the electronic receipt of data related to the 730-4 Models.

The Main Section of the 2024 CU includes tax and social security data related to certifications of employed, assimilated, and tax assistance, as well as those related to self-employment, commissions, and various income sources.

This section represents the heart of the Certification, where all relevant tax and social security data, including those concerning short-term rentals, are entered.

The correct completion of this part is vital to ensure that all incomes are adequately declared, and any tax deductions and benefits are correctly applied.

🖥️ Submission Method

The submission method is exclusively electronic, a choice that aligns with the trend towards digitalization and efficiency in bureaucratic processes.

Withholding agents, both individuals and businesses, are responsible for transmitting the CU within the established deadlines using the online services of the Italian Revenue Agency.

Confirmation of submission is provided through electronic communication from the Tax Office, certifying the successful completion of the obligation for withholding agents and taxpayers.

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