The founder of the Firm contributed to the drafting of the book "L'Agente di Assicurazione" (The Insurance Agent), published by Maggioli Editore in 2016, a reference manual for the qualification examination, continuous training and professional updating of insurance intermediaries.
In particular, the Firm's founder has created Chapter VII of the manual, entitled "Insurance Taxation and the Tax Treatment of the Insurance Agent", a topic of great relevance for insurance intermediaries and all those working in the sector.
Chapter VII deals in an exhaustive and detailed manner with all tax aspects related to insurance, analysing the tax treatment of the insurance agent and providing a complete overview of the main regulations and their implications; by clicking on it, you can purchase the volume directly from the Publisher's website.
Chapter VII
The Taxation of Insurance and the Tax Treatment of the Insurance Agent
7.1 The Taxation of Insurance
7.1.1 Notions of Tax Law
7.1.2 Taxes on Insurance Indirect Taxes Direct Taxes
7.1.3 The Tax Treatment of Insurance Premiums and Benefits The Tax Treatment of Premiums The Tax Treatment of Insurance Benefits
7.2. The tax treatment of the insurance agent
7.2.1 Direct Taxes
7.2.2 Indirect Taxes
7.2.3 Termination benefits